Japan Top 100s - Database broken down by prefecture

Why not try searching for your town in the Japan Top 100s? The database has everything from famous Top 100s like spring water, cherry blossoms, and bathing pools, to Top 100s that might pique your interest like hidden spots, dammed lakes, and rice balls. This website allows you to search by prefecture and by type of Japan Top 100.

Best 100 list

Prefecture list

ibaraki gunma
the 100 LocalLine of Japan (3)
JR Ryomo Line , Moka railway , Watarasekeikoku railway
New Flower Mountains 100 (3)
NikkoShiranesan , Mt.Ozaku , Mt.Sankeba
The 100 New Japan Travel Destinations (3)
Nikko , Senjogahara , Chuzenji lake
Japan Top 100 Sakura Viewing Sites (2)
Nikko street lined with cherry Utsunomiya-shi Tochigi
Taihei Hill Prefectural Natural Park Tochigi-shi Tochigi
Geology 100 selections of Japan (2)
Kegon Falls , Ashio copper mine
The best 100th of Public Building (1)
Sano Provincial Museum . Sano, Tochigi .
the 100 Japanese hot springs (4)
Nasu Onsenkyo , Shiobara Onsenkyo , Kinugawa Onsen , Kokukinu Onsenkyo
100 Japanese bridge (1)
Nikko Shinkyo Kamihatsuishi town, Nikko, Tochigi
100 famous Pass in Japan (2)
Konsei pass . , Hosoo pass .
Japanese city park best 100 (2)
Nagamine park Yaita, Tochigi Prefecture
Igashira park in Tochigi Moka, Tochigi Prefecture
the 100 Best Rice Terraces in Japan (2)
Ishihata Rice terraces Motegi Tochigi
Kunimi Rice terraces Tochigi Karasuyama
The 100 elections of the waterfall in Japan (2)
Kegon Falls Nikko, Tochigi
Shimofuri Falls Nikko, Tochigi
Hometown Rice Ball Onigiri Top 100 (3)
Bandai rice cake Tochigi Shioya Kuriyama Kawamata
Gomoku rice Tochigi Shimotsuga Ishibashi
Boiled rice cake Tochigi north
Top 100 Famous Water (2)
Izuruhara Benten pond spring water Tochigi Sano Izuruhara
Syoujinzawa spring water Tochigi Shioya Uederajima
ibaraki gunma